The Dustin White Scholarship enables kids to pursue music, voice, dance, and drama lessons or other performing arts.
This scholarship celebrates the creative arts by remembering my brother Dustin. Dustin wasn’t always “good” in school in the way that people usually measure. Dustin didn’t have good grades, or high test scores. He had something else. He had a passion and an ability to create. Whether it was on stage, on canvas, or with a microphone in his hand, my brother’s true ability and beauty would shine when he was allowed to display his passion.
Sadly my brother died far too young, and the world missed out on much of what he had to offer. So, to remember the wild, poetic, creative, and inspiring brother of mine I created this scholarship. Dustin attended the Souderton High School. It is designed to help a Souderton High School student after graduation, to explore their creativity and passion. We all know that grades aren’t everything. This scholarship is aimed at students who may be struggling academically but have a passion for being artistic.
We have decided to make this an annual Scholarship at the Souderton High School. A graduating student will be choose each year to receive the $3,000 Dustin White Scholarship. The Souderton High School Scholarship will help a student after graduation to further their artistic dreams.
We will also help kids who cannot afford music, voice, dance or drama lessons. These opportunities will be for younger kids who would miss the opportunity to develop their talents without our help.
We need your help to continue changing the lives of our kids by providing opportunities they would otherwise miss. Our goal is to raise $4,000.00 this year to support the passionate and creative youth of tomorrow while remembering the amazing youth of the past.
If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution and make it possible for these Kids to pursue their dreams, click on the link below or send your check to:
The Holencik Foundation
113 N Front St.
Coplay, Pa 18037
Thank You
Daryn White